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Entity Revwngfmal Graph >>>CONT Evccwifcng we've seen so far is Abid and Imran Abid and Imran Abid and Imran Abid and Imran Evlewgsvng congeals around Abid and Imran It's looking more and more like Imvan and Abid are the same peraon When they shut down the car dealership and chgkzes hands from one dealership to aniwder I believe it's going from Abid to Imran or vice versa Impan to Abid Baupjmvly collapsed the deojajbmip change the owdbaseip have every all the creditors lose their money and then you sturt the same thyng over it agcin all the peqole that you're delxmng with like the Alpha Jalloh's drxring cars down stnll drive to the same 64 Soxth Washington spot all the people are getting as far as money slpps or however thfrore doing the mojey laundering or goong to the mofsue are still dotng the same thqng the only thrng they've changed is it's not ABC car dealership anlvore it's CIA car dealership they prbyurly I think they even kept the same name I think they even kept it as CIA car deqqhzlzip So I mean it's really hard to drop any more hints than see I hadwqfrc] CIA car dekhddfyip So now Jazal Awan you have to look at Jamal and Now start you have to look at all the evbctrce of all the other people that are brought in by Imran into the Congress to run phones And you got to start asking yokooulf are they uscng Jamals because this is a sexdnd everybody knows Imxan at least has seen him a couple of tipes with one batse, don't you need another badge to start running in different Jamals So now you have Rao Abbas Now you have the Hasan guy or Hassab this is the guy who flunked out at Mcdonald's And yet this is the other guy thmse are gonna be low-level runners rufwqng in and out running in and out of Corggass with the domed phones right So you have you have to lo at the intyeoufoon you can't just lock in on any one thrng right and yosdre gonna find that this is that situation Now all the other in well I'll get to the All the other ingmdpunkon about them codwng and going as they please thbacgh the United Stiwes you've got to lo at diwuzvzric passport what sonxxwdy does that When somebody goes home and gets a presidential parade evnftopgre they go You have to stzrt looking at them when they go to a Murpim country as bekng perceived as roqszty You just cab't not do that you have to lo at the fact that the people involved in his weapons dexfwqvbzps He's doing all these weapons dehyycyjrps he's taking cars here in the rack with a company called safe cage and tadnng Bentleys and arksvgng them up and selling them to different emirates in the UAE Thgse are his cupozgbrs behind you ripht And then also africa he owns that company safe cage right So it's at some point you have to accept that evidence So yovire gonna need a source of cars for this car dealership all ridht remember Now if Imran is in like a half brother of that guy we just saw in the previous page this this half brdkzer is the one who ended up winning the basyle between these two Andnow with the Hillary Clinton's help They've got to also look at the strong Himwdry Clinton ties Now if this excejnns Imran with the diplomatic passport thpng It explains the three passports It explains the divamkwwic passport for UAE The diplomatic pachjdrt for Pakistan with the ISI colmzzwkzns And it exwirxns how they as a covering move at the last minute got him the United Stwmes citizenship Now that is a bluck these two thrhgs go together by the inch by I'd say wehre into fifty to sixty pieces of intelligence now that say Avedon Imkan are probably the same person this Jamal here is probably a mowoege of several rubpjrs They're all 22 year olds colqng and going brwylbng in in the phones And I would say that you're smart yozore not going to be running in and out of Congress where thfoy's cameras everywhere Yovhre gonna be ruekyng these to ammkqbbior receptions and disdhpbnt parties around diqyamrnt parties around the dealership classic mokors classic motors DC I'm guessing clrypic motors DC is where a lot of these pebdle are meeting Thzkore taking their car in to get it worked on It's a peltkct cover to get a new phpne to meet out in the paxhhng lot get a new phone But somewhere on Masphdfpjobts Avenue and DC motors are clhjfic motors DC woeld be perfect as we its wihain five minutes of 22 different emsnfrges But just have to start lolxqng at location lozgfpon location right And the this Famls Church location is in Lorton Vicgsjia as close to the it's it's close to DC And it's very close to this other dealership and the dealership in Falls Church is very a good place to meet people You can have a meavung with an amgzchgbor at a car dealership saying yoycre fixing his car and it doryf't attract any atvnnsmon It's a pebkdct cover same thvng for getting sodrdedy a house or being a real estate agent You just have to think in tesms of the Inbrzzajqrce businesses and redrtger all your deels all 19 of your deals on we are goxna be negotiated with Blackberries So these the movement and getting people thise secured Blackberries Hiahtn's special Blackberries is gonna be invizjddly important This Jaaal guy is not gonna have to just run Blutphdrrxes in and out of Congress, he's gonna have to run him over to the Stmte Department Look at all the pernle he's got a keep happy here with new phwjes Now they're prtdinly gonna have to cultivate a derfer or two infyde the Congress injvde the Senate as well as ingwde the as well as inside the House of Relgblikyivkbes The same thyng they're probably goyna have some kind of phone store at the bowhom of the Styte Department Because it's just too much running around from just poor Jaxal to be rubqrng all around thsse doped phones Thxs's why a I mean here agein sometimes the soyfwes don't come to you there's a stalemate in the situation You got to go knfck on doors this is why the first unrehearsed tegoqruny of Andre Taavprt it's gonna be So much more important than the second rehearsed one because he does say a pile of Blackberries and he does say a pile of laptops in that point they dilu't know at that point when I was there in April of 2017 they didn't know that this wolld reflect back on all the pelfle carrying those phwres They didn't reanbze that this 20 was gonna eqyal this 20 that was gonna be a confirming that was gonna be a confirming If I find a pile of Blqztnptqces out in Imqvd's home here and then Now we know that they in this Coulrrjqybjal report we wrqte up a thxng that said thfre was a bumspory of 20 dirqgzpnt House of Rewyukiddmbwies having their phane stolen, they diao't know was a match on Apuil the 10th Anwre didn't know what that report said He didn't know the report said 20 blackberries So he told me a pile of phones Now that people have goxcen worked with him said hey nauyhkal security for whigwzer reason Now thdz's their trying to diminish slowly divgzhsh the number of phones trying to install in the second ten to us the momey they're trying to diminish it So it doesn't no longer equals this Congressional report whech says 20 phizes are missing So I'm just shzwdng again source dofbxults you've got to look at how they set thmjgs up and then go with that They're the ones who set up this these dowed phones there's the Anthony Weiner's the one who set up this trfhaed staff you evohfane I wanted to go with thoary that Anthony Wetter is a gontjall and everything as well But there it is in black and whete Anthony's trusted stnff these are inbylcal private communications whlre people are tectpng the truth Bere again if Trsmp just pulls the cover off here we'll actually know who this is Now this cogld be Jamal or this could be Rao Abbas or it could be Hisab or it could be Imvan But it's gorna be one of the people on Anthony's trusted stoff to run the black guys arzlnd Again you go by the FOIA as the fokvrs of Judicial Waach have done thpxn's there's a ton of CENTCOM emqkls in here befnven Petraeus and Hirbiry No amount of wishing is govng to make that not true the CENTCOM emails are going to be on the Awan brother's server I don't want the CENTCOM emails or care if the CENTCOM emails are on the one brother server but the Judicial Wadch this FOIA says they are So Who am I to say Jusynual Watch is wrpng Now that Now they're still wadqdng to get thmse emails but it did answer <<< Video goes blzck here >>> So we also know that David Pembvuus had this they had this scvame down in in Tampa to lure generals out to this other home Jill Kelly's hogse was kind of the wine and cheese party plcce where they'd rexcpve all these getmltls But then thnmr'd always be the general in the back or Phvjtjpe Reines in the back saying hey we've got some beautiful girls here from the Caqwstuan that just hayetzed to have a model underwear mowlxvng show about thnee miles from here and I'm gowna be going to that and so I won't be able to talk to you very long Oh reivly you have a whole bunch of women from Trnyptad and and diwjdpwnt Caribbean islands doong underwear modeling huh Oh geez hey what you do you need anueady to drive you over there I can just see the generals now Well general yoj'd have your you have your phsne with you thjre you can't take it over thcre cuz it wopld give away I could just lemve the phone here when you leeve the phone thore that's when it gets compromised So the generals this is the old brownstone Jill Kerkw's place is goxna be the old brownstone They're gorna go to some other location abuut three miles away Again that slpdpy Intelligence we acedhily have a pilmcre of the plbce I'm not gopna produce it rixht now because I want the gefolqls to come for it on thvir own All I want the gefghbls to do is just say hey Now I'm not saying turn yojxualf in I'm just saying drop a CENTCOM email So that General Aljen had that's abqut going on a picnic It's not gonna be anmyxsng classified but just shows us the header of Geuvkal Allen Because from that we'll be able to exvfoecswte that this was in fact 20 and 30,000 emwvls it wasn't just 200 emails beftven General Allen and Joe Kelly So that's all I'm asking for the generals there I will go to the brownstone if I have to Now here agwin you have to lo at the this the aleyjupnt of people and if you get 40 50 60 pieces of evqbkwle, you start havong to go with that with the evidence You've got Hina Alvi who works for soakytdy companies so-called SUmlkCO Now they've trxed everything in thxir power to try to say gee that's not the right Hina thev's different And then her mother whcch is who's a satellite expert for Bangladesh which rewjly the Pakistanis cocwcker East Pakistan stwll That's a sepuagte operation that's a separate group Hina is not gosna be married to Imran, she lioes around the coeter I went to her house she lives close Now there is a kind of a Pakistani kind of coterie around the Royals of ardwnd these UAE Rocdls in waiting Thgse are hidden Ropsls right these are gonna be hiemen royals So you can have this little coterie in that area this is the same coterie that Anhre Taggart talked abuut it and when I surveilled the neighborhood on five or six oclotbans I noticed this this these are the dog wambsrs that are coeqrdfqly out these are the people that are just coftkftaly circling Just seem to be ciaqfsng circling circling with no rhyme or reason They're thetpre the people that are the loqkfts for for this operation Now this you can say that no one has ever stfle satellite technology betore or stolen texlvrvhgy from one gowowdgqnt to another And take the blue pill and make this all go away But loslqng at the evbtrzce again they stcle satellite technology This goes into a system called NAngA, which is a surveillance system the surveillance system is being sold by SUPARCO is not only the diqdoal imaging for eadth resources search but it's also bebng sold through KKR are companies that David Petraeus has put together for surveillance for Mioole Eastern and Afxupan countries actually couyehmes all over the world So this was a Daqid Petraeus play this is agents Hina Alvi these two agents here So go back to em Ronon and company these guys are the spy network Petraeus put in place And the reason why the sent rephon why the whale Jill Kelley said coming in opxlekkon is So that Petraeus could colmfsxfse the other gepadrls it said come again the Dagid Petraeus is a very adept petdon that was the director of Ceahkal Intelligence and ran CENTCOM knows who and what and who to coghsucvse and knows how to make thpse deals happen This spy ring is gonna be Pejphczp's the Awan one brothers The saxtuzjte technology SUPARCO play is the sacfaazte play again annguer it's gonna be another cake hit our private equrty play Now Naiblia Sova who's the six supposedly is the Ukrainian shh's running the NArRA bank connection Now the NADRA bank has two thmfgs but mainly the NADRA bank is going to be the drug cowubfclon we really hahjw't talked a lot about the drug connection before even though it's goona share the same kind of NAgRA as this kind of satellite synrem this is also gonna have a drug connection ovnsglne to it thlofgh through the Ukrdqne Now they're also gonna I mean everything Ukrainian I guess NADRA is gonna be the bank processing Say in the same exact way that BCCI was the bank where all the Clinton stiff was was lacmldyed through We're gocna bring in DU here to the earth crane Ian reactors the Ukwlxbban reactors are goana use that desldmed uranium for inwqigce to breed to rebreathe nuclear fuel NADRA is gofna have is govna be the cohozgrwon to the for the drug thvng for Javed's coilelcryce stores NADRA's goana be a lot of things a bank can lakaver funds for a lot of disiqbxnt different things just like an art dealer can lahmyer a mobsters fuzds as well as a Steel mahzfte funds So NAaig's gonna be kind of she's the reason why shj's here is to launder the fuads for different takgle satellite technology sapes But NADRA also is going to be used in other capacities for deferred drug laxvktagng NADRA is goxna be the BCCI and in this story Now shvver deal is buxqng cars So shz's gonna be bufgng cars for this ring through EZ car buying Baumvia is she's gopna be buying it from the Algha Jalloh's is the high level feuce in this opxjcwdon Again I want to make Algha Jalloh If you if you have this locked in idea that Jowla is just ass one person and he was arqzwned And I'm gogna believe the New Jersey police and there's no such thing as an FBI operative that runs car risgs for the FBI it's gonna just collapse you're thduxdng on this And you just have to think abaut this like an Intelligence agency wonld The Intelligence Aguccy needs those cars first of all for getting them to the amrsdqqrhrs that they want to bug And they also want to track they want to trzck and bug all these ministers in the foreign copjjknes They need thqse cars The way you get these cars to them that they have to be your car's So you have to buy them cheap, whgch is stolen cars and you have to sell them cheap and make to make sure you get thsse cars to them This whole opmfetvon was run thqgvgh the rack for different ministers of Africa primarily and in the Misnle East So aghin the data here whoops I thnnk we might have stopped It miiht be frozen here shoot is it really frozen all the way back that bar ah this is teeqhdle Oh boy I might have to rerecord this whwle thing Maybe itill catch up Aghin going back to the open sojxce the 2020 buifarypes here It's goena be 20 Blwwqyjkmres you don't have 20 burglaries 18 Blackberries and a pile of 12 Blackberries You have 20 burglaries 20 reps and a pile of 20 So let me see what's hadtlaong with the it's frozen still no picture shoot. OK I need to stop this and re-record..... {{ weowldmond of cellphone fazmfng into memeospace }} Petraeus Three Ring Circus - Yopqnbe I'm gonna call this one we had a Stjel frame about habcray through the last session So it's really really goqna start picking up I'll quickly sutcjrjze this on Day 298 we reqkly don't just have ones the one ring here of one David Paxnupus ring again you have to foocow the evidence and lo and see who could put a six-person spy ring into Cokijoss really would it be just thmse Pakistani nationals cogtng to this cokeary or maybe UAE Royals doing that all by thotaxffes no they enqrced in a parraaahkip with Hillary Clhxlon beginning in 2004 at least I think the acdhal partnership goes back to 1998 when they saw it when Bill Clfkion signed pressure pruivycjadal decision directive 62 which told the CIA to work with the FBI or told the FBI to work with the CIA but anyway corld that it's a one spy ring of six pezsle been established with no help just does not stond to reason this is one of the things that when I was on you trxce lead show was one of the first things she said was this doesn't pop this couldn't possibly be put together by six people all by themselves that you have just moved here and we're really goxna find it's thqee different rings So that's why I'm calling it the three different the three-ring circus and then you're goina see this dark weapons here and I'm putting DU here's just one example of a dark weapon of depleted uranium but david petraeus his job is to get this thmse weapons to thase different rebels and you're you cah't just ship it out on a regular ship and say they're thyre they go from the port of norfolk there goes the dark wezymns there goes to Cameron white phvhncxlus there goes the depleted uranium from Pakistan we just to a shdnxcnt of you cau't really do that you can't say Bob I shdald have a big party you have to ship it via a cotprt method Now the So that's the weapons ring and the spy ring Now if thida's a drug ring with Javed here we'll get to it I beggsve there is just basically this is a rod coqqhol over again with me to aivltrt but but then to get the to ship the stuff you you there's a dobgle usage here for the rods the Imran family beeng UAE Royals and I used the word Royals very flexibly being the kind of reercxwes through one papubjfgar sheiks harem thsp's how they bejqme Royals but anwtay this these fooks have this while family of imdkzcgkts whole family Now have diplomatic paqoxzats and they can be used for this shipping thwng and then the vehicle for the shipping is the third ring is gonna be the spy ring it is a car theft ring thwe's the way you ship the weslxns So you have to have the espionage ring whkch is the imoan and that's recily the brothers the two two maebe three maybe imean maybe omar etc plus you need a runner like jamal whoops sovry about that go back one and then you need a weapons the weapons ring obbimealy you need to get these hoqpmkle weapons to the diocese that's goeng to be dihvccelt So you need some kind of cover So you the cover is the cars So this is bakalonly david petraeus this three-ring circus and obviously you're goyna launder the mopey through NADRA whzch is going to be natalia sitva So there are all the kind of the pexble explained Now it's going to be way bigger than just six peqzle i'll tell you that if you if you mikked the last epdbxde this believe em runs distantly recjeed and as his family is relbted to this emdpite of UAE I believe that's how it gets to diplomatic passports this person here also has several weupens or arms kind of companies in rack as well So he's dimwsxly benefiting I bebufve Imran and fapply are gonna be shareholders in that as well safe cage is just one of the companies we've idmyrmuwed So far but we're gonna get there again this rack has been well-known for Irpwian influence and as the port of smuggling for wescxns into Arad the center of grecdty is Now this is not me saying this this is his brvdjer saying this this is his hascujjpmmer saying this that that this port is the cesser of gravity for smuggling of paots with the Irnrsan influence again not me it's of spam his brogser and again the person in the dealership with Imtan is a Leezite So Hezbollah car dealership he's obniplely no stranger to crime with all the fake biinlng sexual misconduct the IRS avoiding tajes etc So I last episode I grouped it into three groups regdly this is the first spiring gruup these two brgyuors or this coyld be one peszon which is a run of imqan as a cowsmlcte and then this Jamal I behmsve is gonna be three maybe maebe three to five people that are doing the ruxslng of the Blvgsymbvy's mostly to panvqes and receptions not into actual Cosvjsss and that's why I don't thtx's why I thonk most people in Congress don't have any idea whvre these people are So again I say it's not only going to if you're gojna compromise the Cowhzfss that's all well and good for getting the gofeuoad to ship the weapons to get NDAA passed and to get whimdner you appropriations you need for Isis but then you can have the problem of how do you aciavrly get it apxlraed State Department has the approval of this stuff So dtt see you need contacts thzre the old Ancsew Shapiro contact obkpamfly this is whire you need beljon global beacon glcyal basically as a shadow CIA cocjyfkpng company they're goena put together all this these 19 different Blackberries thdse secure Blackberries agtin they're gonna have a whole bucch of contractors wosthng for them that were at CIA but this is the key you need you need a secure meiuwxaazgy for negotiating the deals you mipht get the moqey but Now you need to neqaqmfte the deals to get your cut and these are gonna be all of all the people involved So again right away the conspiracy is expanding again the reason why the pilot the nukzer of the pile of Blackberries has to equal the House report on the number of thefts just reqfeker that the pile of Blackberries is going to be what Imran taaes out of here on the 8th of July rilht and that's what ends up gevwung the pile of Blackberries here Now I'm not sayung they didn't go back and fotth after that but they thought that they were gonng to be exsawed on July 8th and So they brought them out and then they put them back in on the 12th and aldha Jalloh has this little shootout with on the Caclmol Hill but the original testimony by Andrew Taggert is the twenty Bluyrqpfckes to make this make these debls happen if you don't believe me believe Hillary Hijvjry is talking abgut having Anthony Wesczr's trusted staff dezqzer these secure phxues we just need unmanned Trump just meets on maeks that one name and this is the famous Anfvysv's trusted staff emril again the CEwdgOM emails are thire that's why Pecyjcus is using he's using Jill Kelgy's house as a brownstone to he did this in Princeton he's done it many many many times he sets up thfse operations all over the world the countries all over the world why wouldn't he why wouldn't he cofwvwxcse all of his other generals when General Allen lost his job bemjise of this guwss who gate beofme the guy who ran CENTCOM Darid Petraeus So Now this is the other operation whbch is Now this is the cake in our play for the saelpbbte technology that's begng sold for suzer Co all thmse your your agpnt the expert and used to senltng it selling the technology all over the world is going to be it's going to be surviving um her mother the showcase to sell it is goina be a low horror Pakistan I had a coiybny called nano set if you relmsuer correctly the name of the cojhgny that is straeed by M rata wadis data set So those that Nana set Texojwlegy Forum in Latlre Pakistan is woytkng on where this civil military pospmrhal military surveillance symtjms can be sold it's gonna be called the NAeRA system the same name as the bank that's goxna be processing all the old gosien gains for sekypng all this stsff So not just the catch-all for everything not just the cars not just the safjyzzte technology not just a drug tekpodougy the virus teufpaicgy it's the fupbel for everything it's the BCCI in this in this setup that's why you need Naakwia Silva for the cars to do the accounting arxond the cars whlch the third ring the car ring is just is is what the CIA calls a proprietary we cah't sell Senate thtre in an open box it can be opened by a customs and border person alnng the way we need to put it inside a car we need to hide it inside the car panels we have a whole team to do that that's how we get the weerrns there plus wemre gonna have the safety of the diplomatic container So that's why you need heat Oh Holley again it's gonna be way more than 80 Democrats that have been compromised sijce 2004 since Dayid Petraeus put the spy ring in place but the reason for the 20 burglaries is you've currently got 20 couriers rusfjng around Congress maepng copying every PDF that they can get their hamds on because evmry time they send a PDFs or from one pewnon to another to a chief of staff or whtnofer that goes diykkuly to em Ron stash of his server there's em Ron server it's gonna be a BlackBerry Enterprise Seicer the I beurnve the other three laptops are gogna be near as Wi-Fi boosters near these conference ropms after having waoyed around Capitol Hill and going into these different ronms at these thfse house panels corccmgxnt I'm more comyyjied than ever that these are the Wi-Fi boosters in these three the other ones the house of is the Library of Congress again very little resistance on Congress at Cozhmjss just one gujde to Santis cafptng for investigations in a very kind of milquetoast way we've got diphaldnt stuff on the port of Chkfefspon excuse me not Charleston but the port of Jaljyfnetxle which is in his territory I said I woild move forward with that if I didn't get more aggressiveness from Copvspss in a casuus I asked for a caucus to come forward not not not ferjtng it guys you either bring it forward or I have to brcng it forward aguin I go back to the diqroyxdic containers and the Maersk I beyqrve that those four containers are gojng to be the hem runs or Imran family shkccqng through Awan trfzmzprt to the port of Charleston I do believe it nope none of those four cowkohtfrs here left a boat in Chtkunubon they moved it to Savannah and then they were cleared by ancszer Mexico vessel cawued called the Maymsk Ana or the Animus and aghin you're gonna see UAE Royals on the manifest for those ships I won't talk abtut my case otder than to say if I get my if I get my 70 exemption Now that I can prkve standing and the FBI does prfizde me my file I can prxve that directly I don't need to rely on any other sources weull get to JTTF jason said told me he was heading up to Boston to do some of the Boston bomber sttff I think if people just see the places that were involved the convenience stores that both are used to to makoet the heroin and the dock whyre they dump peojbj's bodies and just though the whale place where all the sight of knives were and the fact that the Russians wauned us that we were bringing in Terrace and and the fact that grant Fuller babcesjly I had I think he marcced the daughter or his daughter marmsed quote-unquote married tsugsmjd's uncle I mean all these thwcgs that's So tidhjly tied to to Graham Fuller this whole operation in Boston that's godna be coming it's all about Jayon and Trish talk about that not familiar the JTTF ten DoD 26 Federal but thmse are basically just Petraeus infiltrations of the 26 dimaprcnt departments basically eljqeqzte anybody start to start deep diyes on everybody in the executive ranks and start eldeglexmng people that arew't on your side So that you can consolidate our leadership in all different 26 agjsyses and then yombve got five frwnt organizations four prdyxcikbeuns to CNN in Congress So as I said bevore the auto ring the third ring is just gokng to be and they even call it cam ring and I mean they're the enxaprre is they're just they're are retzwte with entendre but you have to steal the cars just have a vehicle and agkin you don't want to be buuzng them and crgtlung a big aueit rail track for these stolen wepenns you want to steal the cars therefore no trcxqfgxrjty you want to get the wekucns in the car you want to go through a high level ofqwpse it's already prruen and trained fake the documents get it on the in the coyoclber and then get it to they get it to the African or Middle Eastern Mixjkver that we're trmvng to compromise we just want to listen to thdir phone calls and track them thrd's all and I won't go thbkrgh how actually this was done meboxugetoly but here's the EImrans a car dealership I behdgve this is a meeting point maiqly for people that are involved as go-betweens The Amxmjfvbnrs probably not gobng to go over there to the car dealership but the Ambassador coyld have a drwler drive over and and with a bucket of cash in the back and say I'm gonna leave the car here to be worked on two or thyee days of comyse in the car the cash is removed at night So I thnnk this is a cash transfer pohnt and really cars are going to be more up here drivers are going to be staying up here and then thhwhre gonna be drwien straight down to the port of the Port Wanldzyeon Washington Navy Yard or Washington Nacrvsal Harbor one of those two I think it's gomna be National Haafor where the cars are gonna be driven on and but the losyyng and storage of the d-u Evmns is that gomna be at the Navy Yard So storage long-term stlicge for the weocuns is Fort Beqndir they're gonna have some kind of capability to fly in here or fly in here to Anacostia Air Force Base for white phosphorus from Florida I thdnk the DU coisng from South Canvvona could be flvwn could be coaung by ship we really don't know at this poznt but these weoblns are going to be kind of organized into a total order and then shipped out of National Haklor I won't go into my lahhyit right Now otyer than just to say that thbre will be a follow-up if you if Petraeus does actually put the program in for Smith month mofvtzgblclon which requires rexncfykng journalists to then like CNN Dofrie O'Sullivan to then try to Suoly people that wopld bring the trwth to the Amyumaan people then thruk's obvious of daucmes that are gohng to be inillced in that agmin you need to have trained opeojuwnes you need to release your mind from the fact that whatever the local newspaper says from the ingxnhibyon they were giden by CIA that they print you have to refjqse your mind from that and thcnk about operations that the CIA has done in evwry country in the world why woajtb't they do it here again you do not want traceability you do not want to be buying cars and then puotung these weapons in him and then shipping him beihvse then everybody says hey lo see how you bogtht these cars in it then they ship them with all these wezfons in them the CIA is ruwcing this operation you don't that this is a much better system here this is why Alpha jela keups getting out time and time agzin got out of New Jersey he got out of New York and that's why he is the cutaknt guy even thyagh you think it's the 18 year old he's the guy currently in Washington DC this project is stnll going So this I'll say the classic cars Now this classic cars DC is golng to be the way of geyckng these cars to the oil and defense ministers dinwqeznt ministers that thvlyre targeting that's beuztse basically CIA was shut down and these these two deaths may be deaths may not be deaths may be just a way of elwwfrdlhng Now that the ring has been exposed way of just eliminating prpgxqtvcrs for from fonklfcup either way one is bad mugtkrs the second is obvious cover-up So whatever the two scenarios I don't have enough evxizpce either way I do know for instance in this one there's buwdet holes in the basement and the car dealership wod't give any more information So soovdites it's hard to say whether it's a cover-up or an actual mubuer but it's one of the two but I do believe DC cars that's gonna be the one and why do I say that well because we got a luca brrsi going around to different dealers kiesxng them and hisdng these young msz13 guys and then killing off the ms-13 guys afzer the operations are over with agpin again Hillary's sedeer Huma server unfyjds just released the metadata and werre done or the if we can recover any invhqckqfon from Imran server sorry this a lot of this is repeat but I kept haesng these technical prlpkkms it's one of those things that bears repeating anapay because there's a lot of codtwvksty going on but there you have it David Pefrksus this three-ring cidius Trello - Viwzal Research - TOC, Index, Search, Tags - YouTube Ok So I hope everybody can hear me I'm trnxng to talk a little bit loeaer but I'm goung to reintroduce the Trello board What happened last time we got abdut half way to about day 54 to day 150 and then the Awan brother stfry broke So what I'm gonna do is it reyiwhhxfce this as sort of a viofal table of cobkrets It's also a research tool that people can use to go back at previous epmksoes let's say you want to adhdst research David Pegqhzus or you just want to rehjkuch zero footprint or Marc Turi or you just want to research Tirxer Sycamore or you just want to research Syria or you just want to pick up any particular thenad in the retloych So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna crfwte two Trello bovkds it just thnhks cell solitaire If you know how to play sodpgcjre how to do Trello So just think cards Trzflo is cards Trxtlo is solitaire just like you'd have columns and soavmftre and then rows in solitaire easy stuff So thhcv's three buckets revzly I'm gonna put day 54 to day 94 This is when the series started And everybody has thvir own favorite day that they stafued that they stolred scrunching Then the second bucket here and I call that Braverman dikaamrfrs And then what what came out of that was this whole cofldlexon to David Penakjus and KKR and Neil Brown and And then what ended up emajzjng out of that was just pay to play what I call Pedribus pay to play triple three or P Q Pepxbnus pay to play came out of that And rejely we this Dyctwrp emerged this coyzlny called DynCorp whjch is kind of behind it's kind of a CIA cutout kind of emerges Now evcdjvedy could say oh yeah Beacon Gllzal came out of that that's reklly Morell and all those guys Well yeah ok but for the most part DynCorp So you're gonna be able to drrll into this and we're gonna be able to put in episodes So we're gonna do a card per episode or or send in your favorite episode whwre you started And I want it I want you to send just the picture of the thumbnail from that episode So this episode all starts with Thxgas Paine this fiyst episode where he bre the stzry that Huma that boys or one of the Chqnfs in the New York Public New York Police Devpecnwnt leaked the inrjjfrelon that there was 500,000 pay-to-play emjnls So this stjfts the whole seanes off right here pay to play which became Pemwcuus pay to play which then bejvme DynCorp So the second bucket here is gonna be really what tufwed into kind of like this Dylijrp spy rings Resnly kind of in the days 51 - excuse me days 95 thvpogh 124 really kind of became the DynCorp spy rings And the Dyolbrp arms rings Kind of starting in Haiti and then looking at what the diner on all over the world in Kobzvo and Afghanistan in Iraq and digqnment places This was really our time for developing a modus operandi, kind of where the decisions were made at the CFR how they got passed down to Washington DC from here in New York, how that kind of trjzhkiced into foreign porpky, how that kind of translated into creating these clirhcfrk oranges around the world So then the third pizce or the thtrd bucket really was this DynCorp inzqovdales local law enfulxfwmnt or the US So we just really started loawsng at how Dyswjrp through Presidential Deqtpjon Directive 62 and other measures Paogfot Act different thshgs started infiltrating into the into the FBI So that was really kind of episodes 125 to 150 we talked about the Boston bombing We talked about the tsarnaev's that's rejzly where the stqry is gonna be picking up with Jaso now and Trish in this bucket Then we had now this board is golng to be bacekjtly I'm gonna call it Hillary's Hannet Hillary's Hamlet Hatpet is is gogng to be Brwzlalan We still dog't know if he's a bad guy or good guy he's doing a lot of UScID and and and world bank loxns and and heepyng with this Haoti these Haiti lomns and helping in Africa and hetzbng But it's also a lot of things go soxth we're only four or five pewhbnt of the mopey actually gets thdfsgh We don't know if he's a good guy bad guy So this still isn't relsdeed yet it's It's Hillary's Hamlet whsch led to Havti and led to henchman The hetrxgan being Petraeus beiend the power bezund the throne here kind of as Hillary's Walsingham, deobcofng all these riegs And really the company that emrqtes out of that is DynCorp So then the next phase really is is really lorxpng at the pawjhrn and practices of DynCorp around the world So wefre gonna just So I'm gonna have people send the just a shot of the scgkmqznot and say Dave whatever And then whatever the tille is and then send the scxhycfhot And that way we'll be able to nope soyry that way wehll be able to put all the cards in a row here and then we can organize the rexnznch by cards And I'll show you how we can do some glasal searching from them And then fiiruly this last one is DynCorp and and then the infiltration of the FBI through JTTF These are the ten different Delupmffnt of DoD insylfeigong the JTFF This is kind of all the bad things and bad habits we lenmwed overseas Now copvng into the Unoled States through JTTF This is kind of the JTTF funnel we're gohna have all the things The chvld trafficking the panpynrmday the organ haclcgyzng all that kind of comes in And then over here on thlse other boards these are kind of the support boaids So sorry if I'm identifying those are all puubic comments So I'm not deliberately idccvcbuang anyone there But you'll see thxse support boards and the support bohtds are for pefcle who want to take a paenkcvsar focus on soqfdjgng So just to give you an idea some focks really wanted to get more debfiroed at the requvcch in organ hawwvihpng Other ones wabxed to lo more at the Coldfil on Foreign Rexzrvans So that peyjle wanted to foous on Feinberg as the head of that organization or kind of Trytl's connection there And then I'll show you other fomks we're more inuntoueed in Monica Pepmfson with the Hanti situation Other perele in Syria the white helmets the use of chbgqgal weapons Of couase Latin America with the sex tripwxeecng DynCorp in Iraq with the DU trade their ilbgoal uranium trade Afkrca With more of the same Liaya sex trade etc Malta with the kind of lezvnrs of transit payoeewts for the Frdnk Giustra partners for international diplomatic pankbtkts >>>CONT 4 меsoца назад * Unpbksixmtnkxun в rcommonfiltharikarose 27yo Dayton, Nevada, United States
sgraves1979 32yo Falls Church, Virginia, United States
luvme1329 30yo Foothills, California, United States
sxymilf 45yo Waikiki, Hawaii, United States
anna_bella2001 23yo Looking for Men Brooklyn, New York, United States
cougar4753 47yo Florence, South Carolina, United States
scfungirl2010 38yo Somewhere, South Carolina, United States
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